Home Municipal Historical Archive of the Municipality of Procida

Municipal Historical Archive of the Municipality of Procida

The municipal historical archives document the administrative life of the Municipality of Procida, the core of which consists first and foremost of the Civil Status records, which take us through the most important stages in the lives of the community’s inhabitants.

In addition to the technical-administrative records, the papers of the former Conservatory of Orphans founded in the second half of the 1600s and the Mount of the Poor, and the records of the families of benefactors of the charitable institutions, there is a copious documentation of records and deeds concerning the former Bourbon Prison established in 1830 and permanently closed in 1988.

Through these papers and volumes, it is possible to take a journey through the chronological span of centuries and grasp, once again, the value of a municipal archive as an aggregator of memories and a propeller of cultural values.

It is divided, therefore, into several areas:

  • Resolutions of the City Council, City Council, and Extraordinary and Prefectural Commissioners;
  • Civil Status Records, since the establishment of the municipality;
  • Volumes pertaining to the activities of various charities that, over the years, have operated in the territory of the island of Procida.
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